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Paracon KNIGHT Gaming Chair - Green

Paracon KNIGHT Gaming Chair - Green
Paracon KNIGHT is our new series of professional gaming chairs. These modern and stylish chairs work perfectly as both office or gaming chairs. Compared to traditional office chairs, they give the body much better support. These chairs are as ergonomic as they are stylish. All our gaming chairs are developed especially for Gamers who spend many hours in front of the computer screen. However, it's not just Gamers who can use this chair. If you work in an office and spend a lot of time at your computer, a chair like this could be very, very good for you. The KNIGHT gaming chair gives your body the right support in the right places. Also, it has a stylish design inspired by the seats in a racing car. A chair that's guaranteed to attract attention and gain you respect! The KNIGHT chair comes with armrests and headrests that give you a comfortable chair with good ergonomics. This chair is very dynamic and 100% adjustable. You can, among other things, change the position of the backrest, armrests and support cushions, and the height of the chair. For example, you can adjust the height and angle of the armrests so that they fit your arms perfectly.
Pris ved 1 (Originally: 239,00)169,00 €

In stock 
Delivery time 2-5 working days
Paracon KNIGHT is our new series of professional gaming chairs. These modern and stylish chairs work perfectly as both office or gaming chairs. Compared to traditional office chairs, they give the body much better support. These chairs are as ergonomic as they are stylish. All our gaming chairs are developed especially for Gamers who spend many hours in front of the computer screen. However, it's not just Gamers who can use this chair. If you work in an office and spend a lot of time at your computer, a chair like this could be very, very good for you. The KNIGHT gaming chair gives your body the right support in the right places. Also, it has a stylish design inspired by the seats in a racing car. A chair that's guaranteed to attract attention and gain you respect! The KNIGHT chair comes with armrests and headrests that give you a comfortable chair with good ergonomics. This chair is very dynamic and 100% adjustable. You can, among other things, change the position of the backrest, armrests and support cushions, and the height of the chair. For example, you can adjust the height and angle of the armrests so that they fit your arms perfectly.


Med sit futuristiske og minimalistiske design vil KNIGHT med garanti gøre dit set-up en hel del federe!

Forstærkede syninger

Alle syninger på vores KNIGHT serie er forstærkede for at kunne garantere levetid og holdbarhed. Desuden ser de ekstra kraftige syninger vildt godt ud!

Justerbare støttepuder

Som ekstraudstyr leveres alle stole i den professionelle KNIGHT serie med et sæt nakke- og lændepuder, som giver dig yderligere tilpasningsmuligheder og en komfort som aldrig før. Udover at se godt ud og levere en komfortoplevelse uden lige, sikrer støttepuderne også en ergonomisk siddestilling, så du kan game i længere tid uden at skade din ryg.

Slidstærkt kunstlæder

Kun det bedste er godt nok til vores kunder. Derfor benytter vi, i produktionen af KNIGHT, udelukkende det bedste og mest slidstærke kunstlæder (PU-Læder). Desuden er materialet ekstra tykt, for at vi kan garantere en lang levetid og en behagelig oplevelse hver gang.

Kraftig stålkonstruktion

Alle vores professionelle gamerstole er konstrueret i 100% stål, så du kan sidde godt og trygt, velvidende at din stol aldrig vil knække sammen. Dette garanterer dig en ekstra lang levetid, og en stol som kan bære dig igennem en enormt lang gaming-karriere.

Komfort og ergonomi

Vi har benyttet vores enorme erfaring med produktionen af dedikerede gamerstole til at bringe dig vores hidtil mest ergonomiske gamerstol. Med de medfølgende nakke- og lændepuder kan du tilpasse stolen yderlige og derved opnå den form, som passer perfekt til dig og din krop. Desuden er alle KNIGHT gamerstole generøst polstret for at give den ultimative støtte.


Alle KNIGHT gamerstole bliver leveret med ekstra store caster hjul, som garanterer et perfekt glide på alle underlag. Desuden har vi gjort hjulene ekstra slidstærke, så du aldrig skal tænke på at skifte dem ud.


- Sæddebredde: 56cm
- Sædedybde: 50cm
- Justerbar sædehøjde: 50cm - 61cm
- Ryglænshøjde: 83cm
- Ryglænsbredde: 59cm
- Justerbare armlæn
- 2 justerbare puder
- Stærk konstruktion
- Vægtkapacitet: 105 kg
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